Well, it's time to pick the final winners! Time to pick the last winner of the $25. monthly gift certificate and a GRAND PRIZE WINNER. This GRAND PRIZE WINNER will get their likeness painted in my next book!
It seemed apropos that the baby that so beautifully advertised my contest should be the one to choose the winners. So, after making the additional fortune cookies, I offered them to baby Maia.

She was rather suspicious:

Even with much urging, she regarded the fortune cookies with doubt:

and caution:

Finally, to give her the idea, I decided to pick one.

So the winner of the last $25. gift certificate is....

Picking Lisa's name made Maia more adventuresome. I think Maia is now ready to pick THE GRAND PRIZE WINNER...

YES! Who did she pick?

Congrats! Your girls will now have their likeness painted in my upcoming book! Yay!

Hmm, Maia doesn't seem too happy for you. Don't take it personally, I think she's just realized that the fortune cookies aren't edible.