IndieBound Description: Along with Wit, Charm, Health, and Courage, Princess Amy of Phantasmorania receives a special fairy christening gift: Ordinariness. Unlike her six beautiful sisters, she has brown hair and freckles, and would rather have adventures than play the harp, embroider tapestries . . . or become a Queen. When her royal parents try to marry her off, Amy runs away and, because she's so ordinary, easily becomes the fourteenth assistant kitchen maid at a neighboring palace. And there . . . much to everyone's surprise . . . she meets a prince just as ordinary (and special) as she is!
My Thoughts:

I adored this book when I was younger. It never won any awards or was considered literature with a capital "L" but it is a completely charming, sweet and light story that has never left me or anyone else I know who has read it. It is also the first book where I remember reading the author's note and thinking it was really neat...and wishing I was an author as well. I can't say that I like this new cover, but perhaps it is the nostalgia in me (though I think she looks way too young and not that ordinary). The version I read as a child, while it looks more "mass market" captured more of the charms of story, I think.