I remember last month after my Today Show appearance, my friend Janet Wong and I decided to see a palm reader for a lark but instead of being amused, I was annoyed.

Because after hearing about Robert (another thing that bugged me was that she asked me a lot of questions about my life before telling me what she "saw") she kept telling me that that my palm indicated that I had been unlucky in love.
It took me a while to figure out why that bothered me so much. And I realize, it's because I don't believe I have been unlucky in love. With Robert, I was with someone who truly loved me, who fought with every ounce of his being to try to be with me. Robert was unlucky with life, the shortness and the pain that his life contained. But I was lucky to have him in mine.
I guess, the truth is, I don't think love can ever be unlucky. I think it's when the love disappears, when one mistakens something else for love, or when others twist their own desires in it's name--those are the things that cause misfortune. One of my favorite quotes is, "Love is, simply put, truly wishing another to be happy."
Which is why I know Robert would be so proud about the book's reception and happy for the new life I am creating; and, as the good wishes and congratulations continue to stream in from all over, I know that I am truly lucky.