
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

belated Taiwan post: Taipei American School

The whole reason why we came to Taiwan was because I was invited to do a week of school visits at the Taipei American School. We had been working on this visit for 2 or 3 years, I was so glad that we were finally able to work things out and that I came. Because the school was amazing!

When I walked in there was this:

As well as other posters all over the school:

This is Pocket Pacy's favorite one:

Students also made book trailers for my books and they had them playing on repeat at the library:

And, of course, the awesome projects with my books. I loved how the whole school was involved! Not only did everyone read Where the Mountain Meets the Moon,  each grade used another one of my books for a separate project:

Grade Four wrote their fortunes:

hey! this fortune came true! :)

Grade Three dissected The Red Thread, looking for conflict, climax and solution:

 Ling and Ting taught writing craft techniques  (like using dialogue and adding cliffhangers) to Grade Two:

Grade One wrote what they learned in Thanking the Moon:

And the Kindergartners made Kite Flying dragons:

And not only were the students great, everyone there was so welcoming, kind and understanding. Especially when Rain Dragon needed to let off some steam at lunch:

she loved the library sooo much, she wouldn't want to leave at the end of the day

Special thanks to Carrie (the organizer of the whole visit):

And Barbara (the hospitable librarian):

We had a wonderful time visiting the school! At the end of my presentations, I passed out a fortune cookie which had this fortune:

"An author from the United States is happy to meet you!"
And it was VERY, VERY true! Thanks so much Taipei American School!