
Thursday, September 22, 2011

une promenade à Paris

It was our last day in Paris! Next, we were off to grand adventures Tours, Giverny and Rouen! Embracing the idea of simple pleasures, we decided to spend the day with another exploratory walk.  It began with un chat:

and some macaroons:
macaroons are the new cupcake!

Then we headed over to the Grand Opera House:

To do some sketching

of the light fixtures:
Yes, instead of drawing the building I drew the light fixtures (and a pigeon). I don't know why.
Hmm, what's this? Le bonbon? I don't need to know French to know I will like this store!

This was the most amazing candy store ever, gourmet candy!
All traditional French candy, sugared rose and violet petals to marzipan covered chocolates! 

I bought a lot of candy for myself & gifts for friends. When I left the store I looked like him:

Sometimes it's the serendipitous, the things that are not on your list o' sites to see, that are memorable. For example, this green house:

Real living plants grew all over the building! Later on TV, I saw something about it...but  it was in French so I have no idea what they said.
And there was also this bridge of locks:

I think it was some sort of public art-thing. I thought it was neat!
Couples were locking their love! oh, l'amour!

It was also neat to get to see the famous things from another point of view:

Can you see me, Pocket Pacy?

We finished off the day at our favorite bistro, which I highly reccmmend if you are ever in Paris:

I even love the name of the place, "The Time of Cherries." Sounds like a book, no?

And ended the day with an autre chat:

Au revoir, Paris!

Le BonBon Au Palais
19 rue Monge
75005 Paris, France
01 78 56 15 72

Les Temps des Cerises
31 rue de la Cerisaie
75004 Paris, France
01 43 72 08 63